Recipes from Mrs. A. W. Fowler; 1895.

To Make Good Sausage, page 38

Two ounces of pepper, and four ounces of salt to twelve pounds of ground meat, sage or savory to suit the taste.

A Good Short Cake, page 123

Sift 2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder into 1 quart of flour; 1/2 teacupful of butter, 2 table-spoonfuls of sugar, a little salt, enough sweet milk to make a soft dough; roll out almost as thin as pie crust; place one layer in a baking pan and spread with a little butter, upon which to sprinkle a little flour, then add another layer of paste and spread as before, and so on until the crust is all used; bake about 15 minutes in a quick oven, turn out upside down, take off the two top layers (the bottom) when baking) place on a dish and spread plentifully with strawberries previously well mixed with sugar to sweeten them; do not mash the berries. Place layer upon layer treating each one in the same way. Serve warm if liked, with whipped cream and sugar.

Tomato Catsup, page 226

Cook well 1 peck of ripe tomatoes and strain them, add to the juice 1 pint vinegar and 1 pint of sugar, three table-spoonfuls of cinnamon, 2 of allspice, 1 of cloves, 1 of pepper and a little salt; boil 2 hours, then seal it up. This makes it ready for the table.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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