Recipes from Mrs. Mary S. Grigg, (Verona, MO.); 1895.

Mince Meat, page 101

Five pounds of beef neck, 1 pound suet, 2 pounds raisins, 3 pounds currants, 3 gallons apples peeled and cored, 1 quart gooseberries, 3 pints sorghum, 1 quart best apple vinegar, 5 pounds brown sugar, 1 ounce mace, 1 ounce nutmeg, 1 ounce allspice, 1 ounce cinnamon. Prepare the ingredients after the usual manner; if not sweet enough add more sugar. I always add more sugar after a week. Have used this recipe for 20 years.

Apple Preserves, page 235

Apples, carefully peeled and cut in eighths, if large, 2 quarts; 3 1/2 pints best white sugar, 1/2 pint water, use a new bright tin vessel or porcelain that is not discolored, put in the apples, then add sugar and lastly water, partly cover, and cook quickly, do not stir, but if necessary press down the fruit carefully. Add a lemon in quarter-inch slices before beginning to cook; when fruit is transparent take it out in whatever you intend to keep it in, and if syrup is not as thick almost as honey, cook it longer. If directions are followed, the fruit will be perfectly whole and the syrup clear as water. Large quantities are not successfully cooked at once.

Corn Griddle Cakes, page 261

Stir up corn meal, well sifted, with clear cold water half an hour before using. When ready to fry have your griddles perfectly clean and smooth; add to the batter a pinch of salt and enough more water so that a spoonful of the batter will spread out and make a cake as large as you can conveniently turn. Use plenty of lard and a quick fire.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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