Recipes from Mrs. Jane Gray; 1895.

Salt Rising Bread, page 12

One cup of new milk, let it come to almost boiling heat, thicken with corn-meal to the consistency of mush; put a sauce dish over the cup, wrap in flannel, and keep warm. In the morning, set the salt-rising in usual way, then add the corn-meal preparation. Make rather stiff with flour. Mix the bread with warm sweet milk, and knead until it looks smooth. Bake when light. Very good.

Green Beans, page 76

Break off both ends and string carefully, put in cold water enough to cover them, enough salt pork to season them, stew nearly dry and serve hot.

Bananna Cake, page 179

Two-thirds of a cup of butter, 2 cups of sugar, 1 cup of sweet milk, 4 cups of flour, 5 eggs, 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder. Filling: Four large bananas, well mashed with a half cup of sugar. Spread between layers.

Pie Plant Jelly, page 237

Take the pie plant with a very little water, boil until tender, being careful not to scorch it, strain through a flannel bag without squeezing, add lemons to suit the taste. To 3 pints of juice put 2 pounds of sugar. Boil till it jells nicely.

Milk Porridge, page 255

Mix flour to a paste with a little cold milk, stir into boiling milk and let boil five minutes, adding a little salt.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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