Recipes from Mrs. Emilie Sabert Goodner, (Sarcoxie, MO.); 1895.

Vienna Rolls, page 16

Have ready in a tin pan a table-spoonful of butter, made soft by warming a little, and stirring with a spoon. Add to 1 quart of unsifted flour 2 heaping teaspoonfuls of Dr. Prices cream baking powder, and half a teaspoonful salt; mix and sift thoroughly together, into the pan with the butter. Take more or less sweet milk as may be necessary to form a dough of usual stiffness, according to the flour (about 3/4 of a pint) stir the milk into the flour with a spoon, forming the dough, which turn out on a board and knead sufficiently to make smooth. Roll out half an inch thick and cut with a large round cutter. Fold each one over to form a half round, wetting a little between the folds to make them stick together and on top with sweet milk to give them a gloss. Place in buttered pan so as not to touch, bake in a hot oven about 20 minutes. It will do them no harm to stand half an hour before baking, if it is desired.

Custard Pie, page 114

For a large pie, take 3 eggs, 1 cupful of sugar, beat together until light, then add 1 cupful of sweet milk, flavor to taste; pour in pie tin lined with pie crust. Bake slow in an oven not too hot. The crust for custard pies may be baked (not too hard) before putting in the custard; prick it before putting in the oven to prevent blistering. This prevents it from becoming soggy.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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