Recipes from Mrs. Jo. P. Porter; 1895.

Egg Salad, page 87

Boil 6 eggs 20 miutes, lay in water until cold, shell, and cut in halves; put the yolks in a dish, mash fine, and add salt, papper and butter size of a walnut, 2 table-spoonfuls of prepared mustard, enough vinegar to moisten. Mix and fill the whites. Tie with baby ribbon and garnish with celery tops or parsley. A very handsome dish.

Filling for Tart or Pie, page 113

Yolks of nine eggs, 1 cupful sugar, 1 cupful of milk, 1/3 cupful of butter. Beat yolks till light, add butter and milk. Bake in a pie or tart shells. This will make two pies.

To Make Drip Coffee, page 241

Take any brand of good coffee. Use the new double coffee boiler, place the coffee in the upper part, pour boiling water over the coffee and cover, let stand 1 minute, and pour the coffee off; again pour over the coffee, cover, let stand 3 minutes and it is ready for use. It takes all strength from the coffee grounds and is fine. Rich cream adds much to flavor of coffee.

Chocolate, page 241

Take two blocks of German chocolate; add water sufficient to dissolve, set on stove, add this to 1 quart of sweet milk scalding hot; let it come to a boil. Serve with sugar and cream.

Salted Almonds, page 250

Pour scalding water on the meats and slip off the skins. Put a small quantity of butter in pie pan, heat but do not burn; add the meats, stir until all are well greased, put in oven until a delicate brown, stirring often; pour out on a cloth and salt immediately. This is good for peanuts also.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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