Recipes from Mrs. L. J. Cunningham (Oakland City, Indiana); 1895.

Potato Salad, page 84

Slice potatoes after being boiled, put in layers with onions, add salt. Make a sauce of one egg, little water, lump of butter size of walnut, 1 teaspoonful sugar, cup vinegar; cook the sauce, pour over the potatoes. Let sauce boil.

Sliced Tomato Catsup, page 227

Slice tomatoes, sprinkle salt through them, and let stand over night and drain in a sack, so that all the green juice is out; put on as much vinegar as will cover tomatoes, add mixed spices, as many onions as you want, mustard, horseradish and sugar to suit taste and let boil together, then add the tomatoes and boil tender.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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