Recipes from Mrs. C. A. Conrad (Peirce City, Mo.); 1895.

Potato Puffs, page 17

Take 4 medium sized potatoes, boil and mash fine while warm; add 1 large table-spoonful of lard, 1 of white sugar and a little salt. When cold add 1 egg, a coffee cup of sweet milk in which dissolve a half cake of yeast; beat well, and mix in flour enough to make a soft dough. Put to rise in a pan well greased and let stand until quite light. When ready to bake sprinkle flour on board and roll about two inches thick--don't attempt to make in rolls. Cut with a cutter and place about 1 inch apart in pan. Let rise until light and bake in a quick oven. Will bake in a few minutes.

Veal Loaf, page 33

Three pounds minced veal, 3 pounds minced beef, 8 eggs well beaten, 3 stale rolls, or the same amount of bread crumbs, pepper and salt to taste, 1 grated nutmeg, 1 table-spoonful of ground cinammon; mix all well together and form into an oval shaped loaf, smooth nicely and sprinkle bread or cracker crumbs over the top. Bake it in a moderate oven about three hours. It is to be eaten cold, sliced thin. This makes a very large loaf. You can take half of this.

Orange Tapioca Pudding, page 135

Take one cup tapioca, soak in 3 cups of cold water for 3 hours; take 4 oranges, peel, shred and pick to pieces; add to the tapioca sugar to sweeten, bake for half an hour or until it looks transparent; do not let it brown. Let it get cold, eat with cream.

Fruit Gelatine, page 208

One-half a box of gelatine dissolved in 1/2 pint of cold water; let it stand an hour; then add 1 pint of sugar, juice of 2 lemons, pour on this 1 1/2 pint of boiling water, strain and when cool add all kinds of fruit cut fine; let it congeal. Serve with whipped cream.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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