Recipes from Mrs. Florence Cecil; 1895.

Waffles, page 21

One quart of flour, 1 quart of sour milk, 2 teaspoonfuls of soda, and 2 of baking powder, 2 table-spoonfuls melted butter and 1 of lard, four or five well beaten eggs, 1 teaspoonful salt.

Ham Salad, page 88

Take scraps of cold boiled ham and equal quantity of cold potatoes or raw cabbage chopped fine with 4 or 5 hard boiled eggs; add half cup of vinegar, same of sour cream, mixed mustard, pepper and salt to taste; add a small bit of onion, if liked.

Snow Pudding, page 134

Dissolve 3 table-spoonfuls of corn starch in a little cold water; pour 1 pint of boiling water over it; stir in the whites of 3 eggs beaten stiff and steam ten minutes. Serve with sauce made as follows: Yolks of 3 eggs, 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of milk, and a piece of butter the size of a walnut; boil and flavor.

Angel Food, page 151

Take a good sized pan, put two papers in it, then sift 1 cup of flour, measure and add 1 teaspoon of cream tartar, sift four times; sift sugar; take 2 1/4 gills of sugar, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla, the whites of 11 eggs; get every thing ready before beating eggs, then add sugar lightly and flour gently, then the vanilla; bake forty minutes. It is better to have a pan with the stem higher than pan, turn up on stem and let cool, then run knife around the edge and turn out.

Hickory Nut Cake, page 168

Two cups of white sugar, 1 cup of milk, 3 cups of flour, 1/3 cup of butter, 2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder, whites of 8 eggs, 1 cup of nut meats, 1 teaspoonful of lemon. Leave out nuts to last, sprinkle with flour.

Boiled Icing, page 189

To 1 egg well beaten take 1 cup of sugar, and 2 table-spoonfuls of water; boil the sugar and water together till the water boils out; beat this syrup into the whites of the egg; flavor to taste.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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