Recipes from Mrs. Anna Case; 1895.

Stuffed Eggs, page 54

Boil six fresh eggs fifteen minutes, remove the shells, cut them into halves lengthwise. Take out the yolks, mash them fine and add a tablespoonful of finely chopped ham, a dash of cayenne, and a tablespoonful of melted butter. Mix all well together and fill back into the whites. Press the two halves together firmly, but gently. Dip into eggs, then into bread crumbs; then again quickly into the eggs then back into the crumbs and then fry in smoking hot fat.

Steamed Pudding, page 133

Sift 3 cups of flour, mix with 2 cups of sugar a cup of cream, 4 beaten eggs, 1/2 a pound of raisins (stoned), a quarter of a pound of sliced citron, and teaspoonful of baking powder. Beat 5 minutes; pour in a mould and steam 2 hour. Serve with hard sauce.

Peach Sauce, page 208

Beat a quarter of a pound of butter to a cream, and add gradually a half cup of powdered sugar; beat until very light; mash or press two mellow peaches through a colander, add a little at a time to the butter and sugar, beating all the while. When very light turn into a pretty dish and stand in a refrigerator to harden. {Name is Mrs. Annie Case on this recipe.}

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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