Recipes from Mrs. H. A. Carter, (Marionville, MO); 1895.

To Dry Sweet Potatoes, page 68

Boil till nearly tender, then peel and slice thin, dry in the sun, and put away for use in the winter and spring.

A Cheap Vinegar Pie, page 112

For three pies. Take 1 quart of water, 4 table-spoonfuls of strong vinegar, one cupful of sugar, and 3 table-spoonfuls of butter, flavor with nutmeg. Mix all together and put on the stove to boil; when it boils, add 1 cupful of flour wet in cold water, and boil two minutes more; when cold pour into pie pans lined with good paste, and bake in a quick oven.

Green Tomato Pie, page 119

Line your pie pan with a rich crust, spread over it a layer of sliced tomatoes 1/2 a cupful of sugar, 1 table-spoonful of vinegar, and drop little lumps of butter all over it to make it rich and juicy; flavor with lemon or nutmeg, to suit the taste.

Elderberry Pie, page 123

For one pie. About a pint of ripe elderberries, 1 table-spoonful of vinegar, 1/4 cupful of sugar, and a little flour. Bake with top crust.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

Recipe from Stella Carter, (Marionville, MO); 1895.

Taffy Candy, page 248

Two cups of brown sugar, 1 cup of water, and 1/2 cup of strong vinegar. Boil 1/2 an hour, turn into a buttered dish and when cool pull until very light colored.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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