Recipes from Mrs. Mary E. Bryant (Mondamin, Iowa); 1895.

Beef Tea, page 255

One pound of lean beef cut into small pieces. Put into a glass fruit jar without a drop of water; cover tightly and set in a pot of cold water. Heat gradually to a boil, and continue this steadily for three or four hours, until the meat is like white rags, and the juice all drawn out. Season with salt to taste and when cold skim.

Slippery Elm Bark Tea, page 255

Break the bark into bits, pour boiling water over it, cover, and let it infuse until cold. Sweeten, ice, and take for summer disorders, or add lemon juice and drink for a bad cold.

Flax Seed Tea, page 255

Upon an ounce of unbruised flax seed, and a little pulverized liquorice root pour a pint of boiling (rain or soft) water; and place the vessel containing these ingredients near, but not on the fire for four hours. Strain through a cloth, make it fresh every day. An excellent drink in fever accompanied by a cough.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

Recipe from Mr. S. B. J. Bryant; 1895.

Prepared Mustard, page 250

Take two parts of ground arrowroot, 1 part mustard, and 1/2 part sugar; mix well, put into an ordinary fruit jar, heat sufficient amount of vinegar to mix well and bring to a boil. Pour the vinegar on while boiling, seal it up and let stand for 2 weeks or longer. Parched flour will
answer the same purpose as the arrowroot.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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