Recipes from Mary A. Morgason; 1895.

Custard Pie, page 114

For two pies. Scald 1 1/2 pints of milk; while this is cooling, mix thoroughly 3 table-spoonfuls of sugar with 1 of flour; then add it to the yolks of 4 eggs; add a pinch of salt, flavor with vanilla or lemon and nutmeg; the beaten whites of 3 eggs, and add the cooled milk. Bake. When done cover with frosting made of whites of 2 eggs and 3 table-spoonfuls of sugar, and brown slightly.

White Cake, page 155

Two cups of white sugar, 2/3 cup butter, 1 cup sweet milk, 4 cups of flour, whites of 8 eggs, 2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Flavor with lemon and bake one hour.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

Recipe from Mrs. Alice Morgason; 1895.

Yeast Bread, page 8

Soak one yeast cake in warm water at night. Boil 4 large potatoes, peel and mash them and add 1 table-spoonful each of sugar and salt. Take 3 pints of best flour and scald with 1 pint of boiling water or sweet milk. Add cold water enough to make moist enough and stir until smooth and tough. At bedtime add the potatoes and yeast and set in a warm place. In the morning stir in 1 pint of flour and let rise again; after which work flour gradually into the sponge. Knead until dough is tough and spongy and will not stick to the hands. Cover and set in moderately warm place. When twice the orginal size, put in pans, let rise and bake. Always warm flour before using, but never have the dough warm enough to feel warm to the hands.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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