Recipes from Mrs. D. M. Fenton; 1908.

Salt Rising Bread, page 259

The morning before baking take 3 table-spoonfuls of sweet milk, scald, thicken with corn meal to the consistency of mush, set in a warm place to rise. The next morning take one quart warm water, a table-spoonful each of salt and sugar and the mush, stir quite thick with flour; mix in a half gallon granite bucket, cover set in a crock of quite warm water, cover crock and set in a warm place, stirring occasionally until light. Then sift what flour you think you will use, in your bread pan, make a hole in the middle, put a table-spoonful each of salt and sugar, some lard a teacupful nearly boiling water and a pint warm water. Add the light yeast, stir thick with
flour. After kneading make directly into loaves and place in baking pans, keep well covered and warm until light, when it is ready to bake. The secret of success is to keep warm.

Salmon Croquets, page 276

To one cup salmon add two cups potatoes; mix well, season with cayenne pepper and salt to taste. Roll in egg and cracker crumbs, fry in hot lard enough to come up well around them.

Drop Dumplings, page 276

Two eggs, well beaten, one pint sweet milk, two teaspoons baking powder, a little salt, flour to make a soft batter; drop in and do not uncover until done.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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