Recipe from Miss Katie Miller (Lincoln, MO); 1895.

Mixed Sweet Pickles, page 212

Peel equal parts of cucumbers, young water-melons, cabbage, green tomatoes and onions, pepper and mustard to taste. Cover with salt water, let stand ten or twelve hours. Put in a sack, hang up and drain until dry. Covering: boil for ten minutes in one gallon of apple vinegar, 3 cups of sugar, spice, cloves, and cinnamon to suit taste. Cover well; keep cool. (One gallon of vinegar will cover three gallons of pickles).

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

Recipes from Mrs. T. A. Miller (Aurora, MO); 1895.

Cream Puffs, page 18-19

One quart of sweet milk, 2 cups of sugar boiled together (leave out enough milk to mix flour) and beat it into a scant cup of flour, boil till well cooked, stir until well mixed. Then while boiling stir in four eggs beaten light and boil until thick. When cool flavor to the taste. Cream: Boil together 1 pint of water, 1/2 pound of butter. After boiling hard, beat into it 3/4 pounds of flour, when cold, stir in the yolks of ten eggs till well mixed and then add whites of eggs. After this is well mixed stir in 1/2 teaspoon of soda, dissolved in just enough hot water to dissolve. Bake in quick oven; bake until all butter bubbles disappear entirely.

Veal Loaf, page 34

Three pounds of veal, 1/2 pound of salt pork, 3 eggs, 6 small crackers, 2 table-spoonfuls of pepper, butter the size of an egg. Have the butcher chop the veal and pork together, put bits of butter over it, then bake two hours. Serve cold.

Chicken Salad, page 84

Boil one chicken tender, chop moderately fine. The whites of twelve eggs, hard boiled; add equal quantities of chopped celery and cabbage. Mash the yolks fine, add 1 table-spoonful of butter, 2 of sugar, 1 teaspoonful of mustard, pepper and salt to taste. One half cup of cider vinegar. Prepare the salad and mix thoroughly. If no celery at hand use cucumbers and celery seed.

Banana Pie, page 119

Make nice rich pie crust, bake the crust and let cool slice in 2 or 3 bananas, sprinkle lightly with pulverized sugar, then pour over top whipped cream sweetened to taste.

Suet Pudding, page 129

One cup of suet, 1 cup of raisins, 1 cup of molasses, 1 cup of sour milk, 3 1/2 cups of flour, 1 teaspoonful of soda, 1 1/2 teaspoonfuls of cloves, 2 teaspoonfuls of cinnamon.

White Cake, page 170

One cup of butter, 2 cups sugar, 3 1/2 cups flour, 1 cup sweet milk, whites of 10 eggs, 1 table-spoonful of baking powder. Almond filling: 1 pound finely chopped and blanched almonds, mixed with 1 cup of sweet cream and 4 table-spoonfuls of sugar.

Orange Cake, page 184

One cup sugar, 2 cups flour, not quite half cup butter, half cup sweet milk, 3 eggs beaten separately, 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder. Filling: The grated yellow rind of 2 oranges, add the juice of one, the whites of 2 eggs beaten to a stiff froth with pulverized sugar.

White Cake With Fig Filling, page 184

One scant cup of butter, 2 cups of sugar, 3 1/2 cups of flour, 3/4 of a cup of sweet milk, whites of 8 eggs, 2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Filling: One and a half pounds of figs chopped fine, and cooked twenty minutes with a small cup of water and a cup of sugar, 1 pound of almonds blanched and chopped fine, whites of 2 eggs well beaten with 4 heaping table-spoonfuls of sugar. Mix all together and put between cakes.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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