Recipe from Mrs. Melton (Mt. Vernon); 1908.

Baked Plum Pudding, page page 278

Grate a stale loaf of bread or enough for a pint of crumbs, boil one quart of fresh milk and turn boiling hot over the grated bread; cover and let steep an hour; in the meantime pick, soak and dry half pound of currants, half pound of raisins, a quarter of a pound of citron cut in small slips, one nutmeg, one table-spoonful cinnamon, one cup of sugar, with half cup of butter, when the bread is ready, mix with it the butter, sugar spice, and citron, adding a cup of any desired fruit juice very sweeet; beat eight eggs very light and when the mixture is quite cold stir them gradually in; then add the raisins and currants dredged with flour, stir the whole very hard, put into a buttered dish; bake in a moderate oven two hours, send to the table warm, eat with sauce. Most excellent. Sauce for pudding: Cream together a cupful sugar, half a cup of butter; when light and creamy add the well beaten yolks of four eggs, stir into this one glass of any desired fruit juice, a pinch of salt and one large cupful of hot cream or rich milk. Beat this mixture well; place it in a sauce pan over the fire, stir it until it cooks sufficiently to thicken like cream. Be sure and not let it boil. Delicious.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

Recipe from Anna Howard Melton (Mt. Vernon); 1908.

Fruit Salad, page 282

Cut into small pieces oranges, bananas, apples, celery, pineapple, English walnuts. Proportion to suit taste or leave off celery if not obtainable; make a dressing as follows: 1 egg, 1 table-spoon vinegar, 1 table-spoon water, 2 table-spoons sugar; cook dressing, when cold pour over fruit. Don't mix until shortly before using. Double the amount if more is required.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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