Recipes from Mrs. Loren Wright; 1908.

Cookies, page 266

One scant cup half butter and half lard, 2 cups brown sugar, 3 eggs, a small teaspoon soda, 2 of cream tartar added to the flour. Mix, roll thin and bake. Do not add milk or water. Fine.

Grape Juice, page 271

Mix 12 pounds shelled grapes, 5 oz. tartaric acid, pour over the mixture 1 gallon cold water and let stand 48 hours. Press out grapes and strain the juice through a cheese-cloth. To each cup of juice add 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar. When the sugar is dissolved bottle and cork the juice without heating it. It is not necessary to seal the bottles.

Egg Omelet, page 272

Four eggs beaten separately, 1 table-spoon flour beaten with the yolks, 3/4 cup sweet milk into yolks, salt to taste, then add lightly the whites; pour into a buttered skillet and bake in a hot oven.

Lemon Ice Cream, page 273

One and a half cups sugar, 3 lemons, 1 quart new milk; squeeze the lemon juice into the sugar and let stand for several hours, when ready to add to the milk and freeze. Very nice.

Oyster Cocktail, page 277

Put into each glass 10 drops of Worchester sauce, one table-spoon tomato catsup, 10 drops onion juice, a pinch of salt, 1 table-spoon lemon juice, then drop in from 4 to 6 small oysters. Serve very cold.

Chili, page 277

Meat 10 cents, ground and boiled tender with 1/2 can tomatoes and suet the size of an egg, 2 onions, 5 cents worth Chili pepper, cayenne pepper and salt to suit taste. Cook beans separate and add when done.

Indian Relish, page 280

Two pounds water melon rind, 2 heads cabbage, 6 white onions, one large cup sugar, one heaping teaspoon cinnamon, mace and pepper, one table-spoon curry powder, salt, powdered alum, 2 table-spoon celery seed, 1 quart vinegar. Cut melon rind into strips, cover with cold water, sprinkle alum over it. Cover closely and cook gently 3 hours; drain and cover with ice water, change water twice in 4 hours, then wipe melon dry. Cut cabbage into quarters cook in boiling water fifteen minutes, let it get cold. Parboil onions and let them get cold; chop cabbage, melon and onions separately very fine. Mix all together and pour over them the scalding hot vinegar in which have been boiled the spices, sugar and celery seed for one minute. Cover for 24 hours, strain off the vinegar, bring to a boil, pour then over the mixture. Repeat for three days after which seal in small jars.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

Recipes from Mrs. Maggie Wright; 1895.

Mrs. Maggie Wright’s Light Corn Bread, page 15

Take 1 quart of water and when boiling, make a mush as thick as can be stirred. Take off the stove, add 3 quarts of cold water to the hot mush; stir well. When cool enough to bear your hand in, thicken with corn-meal enough to carry in your hand. Add 1 pint flour to this and salt to your taste. Set out in the hot sun until light. Then add 2 1/2 teacups of brown sugar, stir well, put in tin pans well greased and hot, four or five inches deep, set in hot oven and bake three hours. Keep the oven hot.

Rag Muffins, page 21

Take good biscuit dough, roll almost as thin as pie crust. Beat sugar and butter to a cream, spread all over this dough 1/2 an inch thick, roll up and slice about 1 1/2 inches thick. Bake in a hot oven. Good for supper.

Rice Pudding, page 130

One cup of rice, boiled in 1 quart of milk; when about done add 3 table-spoonfuls of sugar, the yolks of 4 eggs, a small piece of butter, and a little salt. When done take the whites of four eggs, beaten to a stiff froth with nine tablespoonfuls of sugar, spread this over the rice and set in the oven long enough to brown. This is good.

Puff Pudding, page 135

One pint of sweet milk, 6 table-spoonfuls of flour, 4 eggs, butter the size of a walnut, 1 teaspoonful of baking powder. Beat until smooth. Bake in muffin irons, filled half full, ten minutes. Eat with hot sauce.

Peach Pudding, page 138

Take a small tin pan, fill half full of peaches; add 1/2 cup of sugar, and a very little water. Make a crust of 1 pint of flour, 1 heaping teaspoonful of baking powder, butter the size of an egg, mixed with water; roll out the dough 1/4 of an inch thick and put it on top of the peaches; set on top of the stove and cover with another pan the same size; cook forty minutes. Serve with sauce. This is excellent.

Delicate Cake, page 160

The whites of 4 eggs, 1 cup of milk running over, 2 cups sugar, 2 1/2 cups of flour, 1 heaping teaspoonful of baking powder. If you wish it very nice use 1 cup of corn starch in the place of 1 of flour. Splendid.

Rocky Mountain Cake, page 170

White part: Half cup of butter, 1 cup of milk, 2 cups of sugar, 3 of flour, the whites of 7 eggs, 2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Bake in 3 deep layers. For the fruit: Take 1 cup of cocoanut, 1 cup of stoned raisins, 1/4 of a pound of citron, 1/2 pound of almonds, 1 pound of dates, 6 large figs, 1/2 cup of currants. Make an icing of 3 eggs and 2 cups of sugar and ice both sides of each cake. Sprinkle with cocoanut and put together. On top use the whole almonds for decoration.

Bonus Cake, page 186

Two cups of sugar, 3 of flour, 1 of butter, 1 of milk, 5 eggs, beaten separately, 2 teaspoonfuls of cinnamon, 1 each of allspice and nutmeg, 3 baking powder, 1 heaping cup of stoned raisins, 1 table-spoonful of chocolate. Bake in layers.

Election Ginger Cakes, page 198

Rub one quart of flour and 1 teacup of butter together; add a pint of molasses, and a teacup of sugar, 1 teaspoonful of soda, a table-spoonful of ginger, 1 teaspoonful of alum dissolved in 1/2 teacup of hot water. Mix in a stiff dough and roll almost an inch thick, cut in squares. Beat an egg and rub with a rag over each cake and bake slowly.

Mixed Pickles, page 212

One ounce of tumeric, 1 ounce celery seed, 1 ounce white mustard seed, 1/4 pound ground mustard, 3 heads cabbage, 1 peck of green tomatoes, 1 peck cucumbers, 1 dozen onions, 5 green peppers, 1 dozen cauliflower, mixed spices to taste. Cut all up medium fine; two gallons of vinegar. Cook slow two hours.

Cucumber Catsup, page 227

One dozen large cucumbers, peeled and sliced round with the slaw cutter, salt and let stand over night; in the morning drain well, add 2 large onions sliced thin, 2 pods of red pepper, horse-radish and celery seed to your taste, whole white peppers, but black will do, 1 handful of sugar, cover with vinegar, heat and can.

Ice Cream, page 243

Boil 2 1/2 cups of sugar and 1 cup of water until it candies. Beat well the whites of 6 eggs and pour the boiling candy over them, stirring all the time and beat until smooth. When cold add half gallon of pure cream, flavor and freeze. This will serve fourteen persons.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

Recipes from Nell Wright (Mt. Vernon, MO); 1908.

Devil’s Food, page 265

Two cups brown sugar, 1/2 cup-butter, 1/2 cup hot water, 1/2 cup sour milk, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoonful soda, 1/2 cup grated bitter chocolate, 2 cups flour, dissolve chocolate in hot water.

Oatmeal Cookies, page 267

Cream a good 1/2 cup of butter with 1 cup sugar, 1/2 teaspoon salt, add 2 eggs, 3/4 teaspoonful of soda, 5 table-spoonfuls sweet milk, 1 cup raisins, 2 cups flour, 2 cups oat meal, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/2 of cloves. Drop from a spoon on well greased pans. Nut may also be added.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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