Recipe from Louisa Martin (Cassville, MO); 1895.

Lemon Pie, page 106

One large lemon, 1 table-spoonful of butter (heaping); 1 1/2 cupfuls sugar, 3 eggs, 1 heaping teaspoonful of flour. Grate the yellow part of the rind and squeeze the juice of the lemon, beat the butter and sugar to a cream with the yolks of the eggs; then stir in the grated rind and juice, and flour; lastly whip and stir in the whites. Bake with an under crust.

Minnehaha Cake, page 187

Two cups of sugar, half a cup of butter, 1 cup of milk, the whites of 6 eggs, 3 cups of flour 3 teaspoonfuls of baking powder, bake in layers. Make the frosing as follows: Two cups of granulated sugar, and whites of two eggs; pour 5 or 6 teaspoonfuls of boiling water over sugar and let it boil 3 or 4 minutes until it strands when poured from a spoon. Pour over the whites, which have been beaten to a stiff froth. Pour the sugar on slowly, beating until cool; mix with this 1 cup of small raisins, and cup of English walnuts cut to the size of raisins. Spread between the layers and on top of the cake.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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