Recipes from Mrs. S. D. McReynolds (Peirce City, MO); 1895/1908.

Veal Cutlets, Breaded, page 36

Secure nice thin cutlets; beat 2 eggs, roll crackers very fine, or stale bread crumbs; dip cutlets in egg, then cover with crumbs and fry in very hot lard till brown.

Baked Fish Creole Style, page 57

Secure a 2, 3 or 4 pound fish, white fish, red fish, or sheeps-head, preferred. The fish is neatly cleaned, leaving on the head. Put it in a pan and add a liberal quantity of butter, previously rolled in flour, to fish. Put in the pan half a pint of claret and bake for an hour and a quarter. Remove the fish and strain the gravy add to the latter a gill more of claret, a teaspoonful of browned flour, and a pinch of cayenne pepper, and serve with the fish. Fish may be stuffed if preferred. Serve very hot, with sliced lemon.

Baked Fish, page 58

Lay in a dripping pan, with hot water enough to prevent scorching; put something under fish to keep from touching bottom of pan, bake slowly, basting often with butter and water; when done have a cup of sweet cream, stir in two tablespoonfuls butter, a little chopped parsley; heat in a vessel of boiling water. Add this to the fish and let all boil.

Oyster Loaf, page 62

Take a nice loaf cream bread, cut top off, and remove the inside. Fry about 1 dozen oysters nice and brown, put inside of the loaf, and put nice fresh butter on the top of oysters with sliced lemon. Replace the top it can be tied on. It can be served at once, or placed in oven to keep warm. Very desirable for lunch.

Salmon Salad, page 88

One can salmon, 8 crackers rolled fine, 6 or 8 pickles chopped fine. Mix these ingredients thoroughly with the hand and then work in the following dressing: Yolks of 2 eggs well-beaten, 1 table-spoonful of sugar, 1 teaspoonful of salt, 2 teaspoonfuls of black pepper, 6 table-spoonfuls of vinegar, 1 table-spoonful of mustard. Stir all well and put in a sauce-pan. Boil 3 minutes, stirring constantly.

Chocolate Cream Nut Cake, page 176

Whites of 10 eggs, 3 cups of sugar, 1 cup of butter, 1 cup of milk, 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder, 4 cups of flour. Chocolate filling: One cup brown sugar, 1 cup of milk, 1 egg, lump butter, one-half cake Baker's chocolate. Cream filling: One pint milk, 2 eggs, 1 table-spoonful corn starch, half a cup sugar. When both are done, chop some nuts, add to cream filling and spread between layers, first chocolate, then cream.

Mint Sauce, page 229

Wash the mint, let it then dry on a towel, strip off the leaves, chop very fine, put in a sauce bowl with a cup of vinegar and 4 lumps of sugar, let it stand an hour, and before removing stir all together. Mint sauce if bottled will keep a long time and be just as good if not better than when freshly made.

Mayonnaise Sauce, page 281

Put the uncooked yolk of an egg into a cold bowl, beat it well; then add 2 salt-spoonfuls of salt and 1 of mustard; work them well a moment before adding the oil, then mix in a little good oil, which must be poured in very slowly, occasionally a few drops of vinegar. The sauce should gain consistency of jelly. Finish the sauce by adding a little cayenne pepper, 1 1/2 teaspoonfuls of vinegar.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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