Recipes from Mrs. Libbie Lyons; 1895.

Cinnamon Rolls, page 22

When yeast bread is ready to knead, take a lump as for a small loaf of bread, and roll half inch thick. Spread with butter and sprinkle thick with cinnamon and sugar, then roll up and cut in pieces inch and a half long. Stand on end in buttered pan, let rise well and bake.

Vinegar Pie, page 112

Make and bake curst as for lemon pie. Make a filling of 2/3 cupful of good vinegar, 1 1/2 cupfuls of water, 1 cup of sugar; let boil, and thicken with 5 tablespoonfuls of flour; the yolks of 2 eggs, butter size of walnut, 1/3 cupful cold water; make in a batter and let boil up. Put 1/2 cupful sugar to whites beat till stiff and spread on top. This will make two pies.

Yorkshire Pudding, page 135

To serve with roast beef: 1 pint of sweet milk, 2 eggs, 1/2 teaspoonful salt, flour enough to make batter as for pancake. When meat is done take up on platter and pour batter in dripping pan and bake twenty minutes.

Tomato Catsup, page 227

One-half bushel ripe tomatoes, wash, slice and cook; when cooled, rub through fine sieve, return to stove and add 1 quart good vinegar, 1 pound salt, 2 of sugar, 1/2 teacup ready-mixed spices. Stir to keep from burning. Boil four hours, bottle and seal.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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