Recipes from Mrs. Clint LeBow; 1895.

Chess Pie, page 112

Take the yolks of 3 eggs with 1/2 cupful butter, 3/4 cupful sugar, 1/2 cupful sweet milk beaten together; bake in patty pan with rich paste. Reserve the whites of the eggs, and after the pie is baked spread them over the top beaten lightly with 1/2 cup sugar. Flavor to the taste, and return to the stove until it is a light brown.

Doughnuts, page 201

Three eggs, 1 cup of sugar and 1 of sweet milk, 7 table-spoonfuls of melted butter a little salt, 3 teasupoonfuls {sic} of baking powder and flour sufficient to roll nicely; fry in fresh lard.

Spiced Cucumber Pickles (Sweet), page 218

Slice 1/2 gallon of pickles, then take enough vinegar to almost cover, with 1 table-spoonful of cloves, one small handful of cinnamon sticks and 3 cups of sugar; heat it all boiling hot and pour over the pickles; when cool are ready for use.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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