Recipes from Mrs. Harriet Warren; 1895.

Roast Beef, page 32

One very essential point in roasting beef, is to have the oven well heated when the beef is first put in. This causes the pores to close up quickly and prevents the escape of the juices. Take a rib piece or loin roast of seven or eight pounds, wipe it thoroughly all over with a clean wet towel, lay it in a dripping pan and baste it well with butter or suet fat; set it in the oven, and baste it frequently with its own drippings, which will make it brown and tender. When partly done season with salt and pepper, as it hardens any meat to salt it when raw, and draws out its juices. Then dredge with sifted flour to give it a frothy appearance. It will take a roast of this size about two hours time to be properly done, leaving the inside a little rare or red. Remove the beef to a heated dish, set where it will keep hot; then skim the drippings of all fat, add a tablespoonful of sifted flour, a little pepper, and a teacupful of boiling water. Boil up once and serve hot in gravy boat.

Cold Slaw, page 71

Select the finest and most compact head of the delicate varieties of bleached cabbage, cut up enough into shreds to fill a large vegetable dish or salad bowl--that to be regulated by the size of the cabbage and the quantity required--shave very fine and after that chop up, the more thoroughly the better. Put this into a dish in which it is to be served. After seasoning it well with salt and pepper turn over it a dressing made as for any cold slaw. Mix it well and garnish with slices of hard-boiled eggs.

Hot Slaw, page 72

Cut cabbage as for cold slaw, put it into a stew pan and set on the top of the stove for half an hour, or until hot all through (do not let it boil). Then make a dressing as for cold slaw and while hot pour it over the hot cabbage; stir until well mixed and the cabbage looks coddled. Serve immediately.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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