Recipes from Mrs. Nora Walker; 1895.

White Cake, page 156

Whites of 6 eggs, 1 cup butter, 1 cup of cream, 1 1/2 cups sugar, 3 cups of flour, 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder, 1/2 nutmeg.

Piccalilli, page 215

Take 1 bushel green tomatoes, 6 large cabbage heads, 1 dozen green peppers, grind them separately in a sausage mill, mix thoroughly and add 1 pint salt; put in keg or jar, let stand 24 hours, then turn your keg upside down, let stand all night, then set keg in a cool place and cover in good strong vinegar. If the weather is very warm put in 1/2 teacupful mustard seed. This is excellent.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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