Recipes from Mrs. D. R. Lanzet; 1895.

Lemon Pie, page 105

Grate the yellow part of the rind from one lemon, and squeeze out the juice, on {sic} 2 teaspoonfuls of Dr. Price's flavoring extract of lemon; 1 cup white sugar and 1 table-spoonful of butter, beat to a cream; 2 table-spoonfuls of sweet milk, 4 eggs; mix all and pour into a crust lined plate and bake. When done, beat the whites of two eggs with 2 table-spoonfuls of powdered sugar, spread it over the pie and return it to the oven to brown. Two table-spoonfuls of Dr. Price's lemon sugar will much improve the pie when extract of lemon is used.

Sweet Potato Pie, page 117

Boil or bake sufficient sweet potatoes to make a pint of the pulp when rubbed through a colander; add a pint of milk, a small cupful of sugar, a little salt, the yolks of 2 eggs, a teaspoonful of extract of lemon. Bake in a shallow pan lined with a rich crust. When done beat the whites of the eggs with powdered sugar for the top and brown it in the oven. Irish potatoes may be used, adding more sugar.

Strawberry Short Cake, page 124

Make a crust with one-half more shortening than for biscuit, roll out 1/3 of the crust, lay it in a bake tin, spread butter over the top; do the same with the other thirds of crust; except not buttering the top of the last one. Lay one on top of the other, bake in a quick oven. When baked the parts will separate easily. Mix berries with plenty of sugar, some cream and place between layers and send to the table warm. Orange short cake made the same way using fresh peeled and sliced oranges.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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