Recipe from Mrs. C. V. Landrum; 1895.

Marble Cake, page 166

White part: Whites of 4 eggs, 1 cup of white sugar, 1/2 a cup of butter, half a cup of sweet milk, 2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla or lemon, and two and one-half cups of sifted flour. Dark part: Yolks of 4 eggs, 1 cup of brown sugar, half a cup of cooking molasses, half a cup of butter, half a cup of sour milk, 1 teaspoonful of ground cloves, 1 teaspoonful of cinnamon, 1 teaspoonful of mace, 1 nutmeg grated, 1 teaspoonful of soda; the soda to be dissolved in a little milk and added after part of the flour is stirred in; 1 and a half cups of sifted flour. Drop a spoonful of the white and a spoonful of the dark alternately in a well buttered cake dish, drop it so that the cake shall be well streaked to give it the appearance of marble.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

Recipes from Miss Neva L. Landrum; 1895.

Devil's Food, page 153

Two cups of brown sugar, half cup of butter, creamed together till very light, 3 eggs beaten separately, 1 cup of butter-milk (or one-half cup of sour milk and half cup of water), 1 level teaspoonful of soda, 1/3 cake of grated chocolate, two and half cups of flour; mix the ingredients like you would any cake. Bake in an oven with very slow fire from 1 hour to an hour and a half. Icing: Two cups of brown sugar, 1 cup of cream, 1 table-spoonful of butter.

White Mountain Cake, page 170

Two cups of sugar, 2/3 of a cup of butter, the whites of 7 eggs, well beaten, 2/3 of a cup of sweet milk, 2 cups of flour, 1 cup of corn starch, 2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder; bake in jelly cake tins. Frosting: Whites of 3 eggs and some sugar beaten together, not quite as stiff as usual for frosting, spread over the cakes, add some cocoanut, then put your cakes together; put cocoanut and frosting on top.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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