Recipes from Mrs. Malinda Joins; 1895

Sweet Potato Pie, page 116

Boil or bake sweet potatoes enough to make a pint of the pulp when rubbed through a colander; add a pint of milk, a small cupful of sugar, a little salt, the yolks of 2 eggs, a teaspoonful of extract of lemon. Bake in a shallow pan lined with a rich crust. When done beat the whites of the eggs with powdered sugar for the top, and brown in the oven.

Snowdrift Cake, page 158

Three cups of flour, 2 of sugar, 1/2 of butter, 1 of sweet milk, the whites of 5 eggs, two and half teaspoonfuls best baking powder, sift the flour before measuring and stir in the powder and sift again, flavor to suit the taste. The same rule will make a beautiful gold cake by adding an extra whole egg with the yolks of the former eggs.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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