Recipes from Miss Clara Jeffords; 1895.

Raised Pie Crust, page 98

Two cupfuls of light-bread dough made with milk and water, and well kneaded. Roll out 1/4 inch thick, lay on bits of butter, sprinkle slightly with flour and fold it over; repeat this. Then cut a piece from the end of the roll and roll out for your pie tins; many people consider this much more wholesome than any other kind of paste.

Gelatin Frosting, page 191

Soak for one-half hour 1 teaspoonful of gelatin in 1 teaspoonful of cold water; dissolve in 2 table-spoonfuls of hot water. Add to this 1 cup of powdered sugar, and stir till smooth.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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