Recipes from Miss Jennie Seaman; 1895.

Lemon Pie, page 106

Grate the yellow part of the rind from one lemon and squeeze out the juice, 1 cupful white sugar and 1 tablespoonful of butter beaten to a cream, 3 table-spoonfuls of sweet milk, 4 eggs; mix all and pour into a crust lined plate and bake. When done, beat the whites of 2 eggs with 2 table-spoonfuls of powdered sugar, spread it over the pie and return it to the oven to brown.

Sweet Tomato Pickles, page 219

Two gallons of green tomatoes, 12 good sized onions sliced together and 1 cup of salt, let drain over night; put on the stove in a tin or porcelain vessel with cider vinegar enough to cover; 3 cups of sugar, 1 cup of grated horseradish, spice, cloves and cinnamon to suit the taste; let simmer until tender.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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