Recipe from John W. Sanders (Aurora, MO); 1895.

Lemon Cream Custard, page 103

One teacupful granulated sugar, 1 1/2 table-spoonfuls of butter, 2 eggs, juice and inside rind of 1 lemon, 1 table-spoonful flour, (corn starch is best). Dissolve in cold water. One teacupful boiling water; stir the dissolved starch into the boiling water, and add to this one pint of cream or sweet milk, butter and sugar, stir well; when cool add lemon and rind, grated. Bake in moderately heated oven. Makes 2 large, 3 ordinary or 4 small pies. Delicious. Cannot be beat.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

Recipe from Mrs. Maggie J. Sanders (Sidway Ranch, Barry County, MO); 1895.

Baked Beans, page 76

Take 1 quart of beans, put in kettle and pour boiling water on them; put in one teaspoonful of soda, let cook until skins get loose and then pour all the water off. Fill again with boiling water and cook until you can mash the beans easily with fingers. Drain off all the water, put beans in tin pan, add 1 table-spoon salt, 1 teacupful of of {sic} sugar, 1 of fresh lard; turn boiling water over, level with the beans, then set in oven to bake until brown. Don’t let them get too dry, as they will be hard.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

Recipe from Mrs. Nellie G. Sanders (Aurora, MO); 1895.

Excellent Mince Pie, page 102

Take 3/4 of a pound of condensed or 1 pound home-made mince meat, 1/2 pound good raisins; sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg to suit the taste. Boil mince meat in 1 quart of sweet cider or water, with raisins added. Roll top crust thin, bake in hot oven. The above makes 6 small, 4 ordinary, or 3 large pies.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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