Recipes from Mrs. S. S. Reed, 1895.

Butter-milk Biscuits, page 13

Sift together 1 heaping quart of flour, 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder, 1 heaping teaspoonful salt, 1 teaspoon soda. Mix thoroughly through this 2 tablespoonfuls lard. Add enough butter-milk to make a soft dough and bake immediately, in a very hot oven.

Oyster Fritters, page 61

To one full-weight or 10 oz. can of oysters, add three eggs beaten light, one large cup rolled cracker crumbs, one teaspoonful butter, salt and pepper to taste. Have ready a skillet of hot grease (lard and butter equal parts) into which drop the mixture by spoonfuls. Fry a delicate brown, and serve hot.

Delicate or Silver Cake, page 160

Two cups of sugar, 2-3 cup of butter, one and one-half teaspoonful flavoring extract, 1 cup of sweet milk, 4 cups flour 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder, and whites of 6 eggs. Stir sugar and butter to a cream, then add milk and extract, the whites of eggs well beaten, then the flour and baking powder, which has been sifted together two or three times. Beat all well and bake carefully in a pan lined with buttered white paper.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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