Recipes from Mrs. Jennie Record, 1908.

Plain Cake, page 265

One cup of sugar, one large spoonful butter, one egg, one half cup milk, two teaspoons baking powder, flour enough to make proper consistency not too stiff bake in two layers or a loaf. Flavor to suit the taste. Cream for filling: One half cup sugar, three quarters cup sweet milk, piece butter size of hickory nut, one table-spoonful corn starch or flour. Flavor with lemon extract. Boil sugar, milk and butter together wet the corn starch with a little milk, let it boil up and spread between layers of cake.

Fudge, page 268

Two cups granulated sugar, a half cup of milk or what is better, cream, table-spoonful of molasses, butter size of walnut, and two squares of chocolate grated or as much as is liked, cook until the syrup balls when dropped in cold water; stir while cooking and when removed from the fire, add two teaspoonfuls of vanilla. Beat hard until thick, turn out in a buttered plate and cut in small squares with a knife that has been dipped in cold water. To make nut fudge add any kind of nut meats, chopped, when the mixture is taken from the fire, omitting the chocolate if desired.

Cocoanut Tarts, page 279

Cook in top of double boiler for about 10 minutes, one cup milk, 1/4 pound grated cocoanut, then cool. Beat two eggs and a quarter cup of sugar until light, add a teaspoon cracker dust to the mixture, and flavor with vanilla. Put in patty pans lined with pie crust and bake in a moderate oven.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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