Recipes from Mrs. Mollie Rearick (St. Louis, MO), 1895.

Maccaroni and Cheese, page 80

Take one pound of imported maccaroni {sic} and break in small pieces about 1-1/2 or 2 inches long, add enough boiling water to cover, boil half hour. Pepper and salt to taste, drain off the water, butter about size of a small egg. Grate the cheese take part of the maccaroni out and then put a layer of cheese and maccaroni with cheese on top and then fill with milk. but don’t let the milk cover it.

Onion Pickles, page 223

Peel with a silver knife. Make a brine strong enough to float an egg; put onions in the brine and let stay 48 hours; then drain off salt water; scald vinegar to cover them and put in the vinegar a piece of alum the size of a hickory nut let them stay in vinegar 48 hours and scald again. Put in jars with white mustard seed to suit taste.

Peach Ice Cream, page 244

Take soft ripe free stones, peel and chop very fine; make them very sweet, as the freezing makes them loose {sic} some sweetness. Then to make ice cream, add same quantity of cream as you have peaches with sugar sufficient for both. This is delicious. All fruits can be done in the same way, with more or less sugar.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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