Recipes from Mrs. W. E. Harper (Greenfield, MO); 1895.

Potato Salad, page 84

Four large potatoes boiled, cooled and skinned, one onion, yolks of two hard boiled eggs; chop all up fine, season with salt and pepper. Heat enough vinegar with table-spoonful of butter and pour over the salad.

Jellied Apples, page 145

Slice fresh apples, and put in a pudding dish with alternate layers of sugar. Cover with a plate and put weight on it. Bake in a slow oven 3 hours. A delicious jelly with slices of apples embedded in it will be the result. Better cooked the day before it is wanted.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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