Recipes from Miss Lottie B. Bigbee, 1908.

Lemon Jelly Filling, page 262.

Grate the yellow from the rind of two lemons and squeeze out the juice. Two cupfuls of sugar, the yolks and whites of two eggs beaten separately. Mix the yolks and sugar, then add the whites and then the lemons. Now pour on a cupful of boiling water; stir in two table-spoonfuls of flour rubbed smooth in one half cup of cold water, add table-spoonful of butter; cook until it thickens.

Salmon Croquets, page 276.

One can salmon, 3 eggs, 6 table-spoonfuls of mashed potatoes, 1 cup cracker crumbs; salt and pepper to taste. Roll in cracker crumbs and fry.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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