Recipes from Mrs. Elizabeth Brayshaw, 1895.

Potato Bread, page 9.

Boil 12 potatoes, work into them a small piece of butter and as much milk as will cause them to pass through a colander. Take half a pint of yeast and the same quantity of warm water, mix it with the potatoes, and pour the whole in 5 pounds of flour. Add salt as usual, and, if necessary to knead it well, more milk and water; then let it stand to rise before the fire.

Boiled Plum Pudding, page 138.

One pound of currants, 1 pound stoned raisins dredged with flour, 1/2 pound of beef suet chopped fine, a teaspoonful of salt, 1 pound of bread crumbs, 1/4 of a pound of citron, 8 eggs, 1/2 a pint of milk, 1 gill of wine, a heaping cup of sugar and 2 nutmegs; to be eaten with a sauce of butter, sugar and wine. Boil it six hours turning it several times. The whites of the eggs must be beaten to a stiff froth and added the last thing.

Plum Pudding, page 138.

A small stale loaf of bread, well broken, leaving out any hard part; pour over it 1 quart of boiling sweet milk, 1 cup of sugar, 1 table-spoonful of molasses, half a nutmeg, 1 pint of stoned raisins. When cold add four well-beaten effs. Bake or boil three hours. This is good when cold. Eat with any kind of sauce preferred.

Fruit Cake, page 149.

Twelve eggs, 1 pound of flour, 1 pound of sugar, 1 pound of butter, 2 pounds of raisins, 2 pounds of currants, 1 pound of citron, 2 table-spoonfuls of cinnamon, 4 nutmegs, 1 cup of sweet milk, 1 cup of molasses, 1 teaspoonful cream tartar, 1 of soda, 1 gill of brandy. Bake two hours or more.

Watermelon Cake, page 165.

White part: 2 cupfuls white sugar, 1 cup of butter, 1 cup sweet milk, 3 1/2 cups of flour, whites of 8 eggs, baking powder and flavoring. Red part: 1 cupful of red sugar, 1/2 cup of butter, 1-3 cup of sweet milk, 2 cupfuls of flour, whites of 4 eggs, 1 teacupful of raisins, baking powder; keep the red part around the tub of the pan and the white around the edge.

Hyden Sauce, page 229.

Take green tomatoes, cabbage, onions, and green cucumbers, about equal quantities, and chop fine; add 4 table-spoonfuls of salt, 2 of ground ginger, 2 of ground cloves, 2 of tumeric and 1 of ground cinnamon, one cup of mustard seed (white), plenty of celery seed, 1/2 pint green pepper, 1/2 gallon vinegar, 1 pound of brown sugar, boil all tohether half an hour.

To Preserve Eggs So They Will Keep, page 251.

One pint of fresh slacked lime, half a pint of salt to every 3 gallons of soft water; fill your boiler half full of this liquid and drop eggs gently in so as not to crack them.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

Recipe from Miss Lucinda Brayshaw; 1908.

Sweet Crackers, page 267

One half cup of lard and 1 1/4 cups sugar, cream together, add beaten yolk of one egg, 1 1/2 table-spoonfuls of baker’s ammonia dissolved in one cup of sweet milk, pinch of salt, 1/2 bottle lemon extract and the beaten white of one egg. Make stiff with flour, cut in squares and bake; keep in air tight jar or box after they are cold. Very nice.

Mt. Vernon Cook Book, Second Edition, 1908, Thompson Company Printers, Carthage, Mo.

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